Lives in Japan.
Photographs mainly levitating self-portraits (and cats not levitating).
yowayowa is a Japanese term meaning “weak” or “feeble.”
Since I’m yowayowa, it’s really heavy to carry SLR cameras around.
How to take “Today’s Levitation” (how I actually do)
– Equipments and shutter speed
Camera body: Canon EOS 5D Mk2
Lenses: Canon EF50mm F1.2L USM, EF24-70mm F2.8L USM, PENTAX 67 lenses (with adaptors)
Tripods: Gitzo’s rapid-pole 3 steps with ball heads (from 1980s)
Shutter speed: 1/500 sec. or faster (1/320 sec. can be used in a darker condition)
– Ask someone to press the shutter release button
When I take my levitation farther away from the camera than 10 second distance, I ask someone (mostly my friend) to press the shutter release button. First, I ask my friend to be a stand-in in a proper position to get a composition and a focus.
Then I go to the position to levitate, and my friend come to the camera (we switch our position) to press a shutter release button in time with my jumps.
– With a self-timer
EOS 5D Mk2 has a 10sec. timer as it’s longest timer set up. This means that I can get away as far as 10 second distance from the camera after I press the shutter release button.
First, I get a composition and a focus manually.
Then I press the shutter release, run to the right position for a levitation as checking the camera’s blinking red LED counts down 10 seconds and jump by my intuition.
In this manner, I need to jump over and over to get the right shot.
How to view/take “Today’s Levitation (3D)”
– How to view “Today’s Levitation (3D)” (without using any optical glasses or viewer)
– “Parallel viewing” and “crossed-eye viewing” images
With “parallel viewing” images: Please see the image on the right with your right eye, the image on the left with your left eye.
With “crossed-eye viewing” images: Please see the image on the right with your left eye, the image on the left with your right eye.
When you feel natural depth of space, you are seeing the suitable set of images for you.
But I think that my explanation is still difficult for a beginner. If you feel it’s too difficult, please see the following website by Mr. Greg Erker which gives us very useful information for viewing stereo (3D) images: [How To Freeview Stereo (3D) Images] (Click!)
– How to take “Today’s Levitation (3D)” (how I actually do)
– I set two cameras (Canon EOS 5D Mk2s with the same PENTAX 67 lenses) on two tripods horizontally as close as possible each other and connect extended shutter release cables to each camera.
Both cameras need to be set up with the same ISO, iris, shatter speed and white balance. Since shutter speed of both cameras are quite fast (faster than 1/500 sec.) for levitation photography, I have to press both shutter release buttons as simultaneously as possible to get the same perfect moment for both cameras.
よわよわカメラウーマン = 林ナツミです。
CANON EOS 5D Mark II (重い)で
「本日の浮遊」の撮り方 (浮遊の写真で実際に行っている方法)
– 使用機材とシャッタースピード
カメラボディ: Canon EOS 5D Mk2
レンズ: Canon EF50mm F1.2L USM, EF24-70mm F2.8L USM, PENTAX 67用レンズ (アダプター使用)
三脚: ジッツォ・ラピッドポール式三段+ボール運台(80年代製)
シャッタースピード: 1/500秒以上 (暗いときは1/320秒まで許容)
– 誰かにシャッターを押してもらう場合
– セルフタイマーの場合
EOS 5D Mk2のセルフタイマーは最長10秒です。
浮遊する場所と構図を決め、手動でピントを合わせます。シャッターボタンを押したら、浮遊場所に走って行ってポーズを決めて、カメラ全面の赤ランプの点滅 (10秒のカウントダウン) を確認します。
-「本日の浮遊(3D)」の見方 (3Dメガネなどを使わない方法)
– 平行法(parallel viewing) と交差法(cross viewing)
-「本日の浮遊(3D)」の撮り方 (浮遊の写真で実際に行っている方法)
– 2台のカメラ (Canon EOS 5D Mk2に同じPENTAX 67用レンズを装着) をできるだけ近づけて水平に並べて三脚に載せ、各カメラにリモコンスイッチ (ケーブルレリーズ) を取り付けます。